Shoot for the Shelter Tomorrow!

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.  This month’s (FEBRUARY) Adopt-A-Kennel is from Judith Ladehaff and in memory of all of the furkids she’s cared for in her lifetime. Anyone who knows her, knows her reputation of taking in the special needs babes, the elderly, and they live out their lives in nothing but amazing love and comfort. She is wanting to take this month to give remembrance to all who will never leave her heart. We thank all of our sponsors for their continuing support.  It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

We are canceling our Nail Day this month, tomorrow, Saturday, February 8th, as we will all be helping out at the 19th Annual Shoot for the Shelter Pool Tournament! It’s here, and promising to be awesome. The T-Shirt Design Contest winner will be unveiled when you receive your event shirt (nothing like a bit of suspense right)? We hope to see everyone at TJ’s Family Fun Center, tomorrow, Saturday, Feb 8th! Remember, you don’t have to play to take part in the raffles, the good food or just hang out with family and friends. 

We’ve still got free sweater giveaways. We’ve got shirts both humans and pets, all kinds of “bling”, stop by and check us out.

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for:  Edo, Rhea, Benedict Cumberbark, Judith, Carol, Falken, Finn and Cameow. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help. 

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did you know… As the weather stays cold, we humans tend to stay inside where it’s warm. Many of us are lucky enough to enjoy winter comforts like heating, fireplaces, blankets, and warm places to sleep. But for small animals that live outside, such as cats and rodents, finding a cozy place to sleep isn’t as easy. This is why drivers often find cats in car engines looking for a warm place to hide from frigid temperatures. Of course, this behavior can be deadly for the animal. Luckily, there are some things you can do before driving off to check that no critters are hiding under your hood. Some examples are; banging on the hood of your car, honking your horn, opening and closing your hood, and covering your car. These things may help save a small animal’s life.

Shoot for the Shelter Pool Tournament

Registration is closed for this event.

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals. This month’s (JANUARY) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Wayne Cook, an amazing and well loved man who will continued to be missed be all who knew him. A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support. It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, Saturday, January 11th, for “Nail Day”. We’ve got our favorite two Professional Nail Trimmers standing by to trim the nails of your furkid for you. Amy Strauch of Four Winds Animal Clinic and Misty Monks of Misty’s Pet Care will be trimming from 1pm until 2pm… please bring proof of rabies vaccination and no retractable leashes.

As we are finalizing preparations for our 19th Annual Shoot for the Shelter Pool Tournament, which is coming up soon (Saturday, Jan 25th at TJ’s Family Fun Center), we’d like to ask… wouldn’t you love to see your design on the the annual shirt? Who will design our 19th annual event shirtt? Submit your entry by midnight Wednesday, January 15th. It must be in jpeg or png format, blackline artwork on white background. The tournament committee will select the winning entry and the winner will be contacted at the information you provide. You may submit your entry via email to:, send it via facebook to our page via messenger, or contact us at the shelter for alternative means.

Speaking of the 19th Annual Shoot for the Shelter Pool Tournament, pre-registration ends for this event on Friday, January 17th. It is looking to be another fun filled event. The event is Saturday, January 25th, at TJ’s Family Fun Center.

We’ve still got free sweater giveaways. We’ve got shirts both humans and pets, all kinds of “bling”, stop by and check us out.

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for: Edo. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help.

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Elves, Holiday Cheer and New Pup Quit Biting Tips

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.  This month’s (DECEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Matthew Hoffman. Matt, an amazing young man in every sense of the word, was an animal lover who spent his life trying to rescue any animal in need.  A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support.  It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

Our Nail Day event for this month, previously scheduled for this Saturday, December 14th, has been canceled. Our “elves” are just spread way to thin helping in other community events. We hope to see you at some of these awesome events! 

We’ve got elves coming to the shelter, free sweater giveaways and all kinds of Christmas Spirit. So much holiday spirit to go around, we hope you’ll join in the cheer!

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for:  Edo and Cody. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help. 

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did you know… A common question that we get asked is how to get that newly adopted pup to quit biting. Here’s a good tip: Several times daily for a few weeks, let your pup mouth/play bite until he exerts more pressure than usual. Then say, “Ouch!” loud enough that he’s surprised and stops biting. At the same time, stop playing for a bit so he associates the end of play with exerting too much pressure. Repeat until he plays with only soft mouthing. If he doesn’t get the idea, just stop playing or move away whenever he bites too hard. He’ll learn soon enough that mouthing too hard ends playtime.

Nail Day Saturday December 14th with Santa!

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.  This month’s (DECEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Matthew Hoffman. Matt, an amazing young man in every sense of the word, was an animal lover who spent his life trying to rescue any animal in need.  A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support.  It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

We’re excited about December’s edition of Nail Day, Saturday, December 14th from 1pm until 3pm! Santa will be visiting the McCook Humane Society during Nail Day and you can take this opportunity to come get your “Pet Pics with Santa” done. Our Special Guest Nail Trimmers will be Amy Strauch of Four Winds Animal Clinic and Misty of Misty’s Pet Care! As per state and city ordinances, you must have proof that your Fur-Kid is up to date on his/her Rabies vaccination and they have their tag (or you have other proof), and that your pet is on a leash (please no retractable leashes).

We’ve got elves coming to the shelter, free sweater giveaways and a giving tree coming up. So much holiday spirit to go around, we hope you’ll join in the cheer!

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for:  Ravena, Edo and Cody. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help. 

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did you know… Nail trimming is essential for maintaining good health. If a dog’s nails are allowed to grow, they will curl over into a spiral shape; walking will become increasingly painful to the dog as they grow, putting pressure on the dogs toes (a bit like walking in shoes that are too small). Uncut nails may curl so far that they pierce the paw pad, leading to infection and debilitating pain. If one does not trim a dog’s nails on a monthly basis the quick will grow along with the nail, making it nearly impossible to cut properly. You can bring your furchild out to our monthly “Nail Day” at the Shelter. December’s is going to be so much fun, this upcoming Saturday, Dec. 14th, from 1pm until 3pm!

Happy Thanksgiving!

From all of us at the McCook Humane Society to all of you, Happy Thanksgiving Day and Weekend.

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals. This month’s (NOVEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Matthew Hoffman. Matt, an amazing young man in every sense of the word, was an animal lover who spent his life trying to rescue any animal in need. A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support. It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

The McCook Humane Society will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday starting Thursday, Nov. 28th (closed for the weekend) and will reopen for our regularly business hours on Monday, December 2nd. Just a reminder that the McCook Humane Society started new Winter Hours beginning in November. Our hours are primarily the same, except we will close on Tuesdays. New Winter Hours: Monday, Wed, Thurs & Fri from 2pm until 5pm and Saturdays from Noon until 4pm. There will still be someone available for emergencies and claiming strays on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm until 5pm.

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for: Ravena, Edo and Cody. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help.

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did you know… Dog ownership is not something to be entered into lightly. Owning a dog is a long-term emotional and financial commitment. Before deciding that a certain dog is right for you, you must make an honest assessment as to whether your home is right for any dog. Are you ready for a dog? Evaluate your lifestyle… If you get a dog, he (or she) will become a part of your life. You need to make sure that he’s suited for your lifestyle. For example, if you are athletic, you will probably not be happy with a dog that has a low energy level. If you are extremely neat (or have allergies), you will probably want a dog that doesn’t shed much. All aspects of your family’s life – hobbies, activities, personalities, schedules – should be evaluated before you get a dog. Based on your evaluation, determine what qualities you want in a dog. Consider size, energy level, grooming needs, trainability and temperament. Do you want a guard dog or a lap dog? Is it important that your dog get along with children? If you rent your home, are there restrictions on height, weight or breed? Answer these questions now – once you bring a dog home, it can be heartbreaking (for both you and the furkid) to realize that you made the wrong choice.

Closed For Thanksgiving and New Winter Hours

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals. This month’s (NOVEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Matthew Hoffman. Matt, an amazing young man in every sense of the word, was an animal lover who spent his life trying to rescue any animal in need. A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support. It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

The McCook Humane Society will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday starting Thursday, Nov. 28th (closed for the weekend) and will reopen for our regularly business hours on Monday, December 2nd. Just a reminder that the McCook Humane Society started new Winter Hours beginning in November. Our hours are primarily the same, except we will close on Tuesdays. New Winter Hours: Monday, Wed, Thurs & Fri from 2pm until 5pm and Saturdays from Noon until 4pm. There will still be someone available for emergencies and claiming strays on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm until 5pm.

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for: Dublin, Ravena, Louise, Edo and Cody. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help.

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did ya know… Holidays are a time for good food and fun, and lots of it! But, just like children, pets don’t always know what can be dangerous for them to eat or drink. That box of chocolates on the coffee table? It seems like a great snack. It’s fun to grab a few when you’re watching TV. Your friends love to come to your house because the candy dish is always full. Well, someone else loves that chocolate, too, but instead of satisfying his sweet tooth, he could die from eating the chocolate. We are talking about your dog, your favorite furry family member. Our pets have a knack for getting into mischief, but it is up to us to keep them safe. Medicine, chocolate and plants are some of the most common items that can poison our pets. A special and important project could be creating a refrigerator magnet, with the emergency number for your vet, as well as a list of some of the most common poisonous items, symptoms of poisoning and basic first aid tips, is a great way to share the knowledge you’ve gained about pet poisoning. Do a search on the Internet to find a list of the most common poisonous plants eaten by pets, what to do if your pet is poisoned and first aid for pets. Get creative, have fun with it! Design a colorful background and use graphics or clip art to give your list an artistic flair. Remember that with the holidays fast approaching, there are most likely more sweets and treats lying around and we need to keep our “furry friends” from getting into them.

November 9th is Nail Day

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.  This month’s (NOVEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Matthew Hoffman. Matt, an amazing young man in every sense of the word, was an animal lover who spent his life trying to rescue any animal in need.  A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support.  It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

Monday, November 11th… Honoring Veteran’s and partnering with “Vets Get Pets”, Veterans with approved applications do not pay anything for adoptions. We thank you.

Just a reminder that the McCook Humane Society started new Winter Hours beginning in November. Our hours are primarily the same, except we will close on Tuesdays. New Winter Hours: Monday, Wed, Thurs & Fri from 2pm until 5pm and Saturdays from Noon until 4pm. There will still be someone available for emergencies and claiming strays on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm until 5pm. 

We’re looking forward to tomorrow, Saturday, November 9th, and our “Nail Day”! Bring your furry friend in and get his or her nails trimmed. Trims are $6 (which includes sales tax), or now in lieu of that, you can bring an item off of our Shelter wish list. You can find one on our Facebook page. We hope to see you all there from 1pm until 2pm! Our special guest Nail Trimmers will be Amy Strauch of Four Winds Animal Clinic and  Misty of Misty’s Pet Care! All proceeds benefit the McCook Humane Society. As per state and city ordinances, You must have proof that your Fur-Kid is up to date on his/her Rabies vaccination and they have their tag (or you have other proof), and that your pet is on a leash (please no retractable leashes).

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for:  Dublin, Ravena, Louise, Edo, Dixie and Cody. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help. 

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did you know… With the warmer weather already starting to turn cooler, that means cramming more outside time and more trips to the park on days when you can, longer walks when possible and more chances for your pet to wander off! Make sure your dog or cat has a microchip for identification and wears a tag imprinted with your contact information. Another tip: Now is a good time to make sure all of your contact information is current at your veterinarian’s office and the microchip company. You can also make sure that you’re friendly with your neighbors and can keep an eye on each other’s pets and when they’re accidentally out.

Volunteer Fair on Wednesday, November 6th

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.  This month’s (OCTOBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Matthew Hoffman. Matt, an amazing young man in every sense of the word, was an animal lover who spent his life trying to rescue any animal in need.  A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support.  It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

Your pets may not agree with you, but don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour as daylight savings time ends Sunday, November 3rd. Talking about time, the McCook Humane Society will be starting new Winter Hours beginning in November. Our hours will be primarily the same, except we will close on Tuesdays. New Winter Hours: Monday, Wed, Thurs & Fri from 2pm until 5pm and Saturdays from Noon until 4pm. There will still be someone available for emergencies and claiming strays on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm until 5pm. 

We hope to see you at  the upcoming Volunteer Fair on Wednesday, November 6th! There will be many there with their unique missions and opportunities at the McCook City Auditorium to connect with potential volunteers. It starts at 5pm.

We’re looking forward to being a part of an awesome community event that is put on by hard working people and couldn’t happen without them and your support. November 7th is the Southwest Nebraska Big Give event. Please give to your favorite non-profit, without you none of us can continue in our missions.

Mark your calendars for our next Nail Day event, coming up Saturday, November 9th from 1pm until 2pm!

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for:  Dublin, Ravena, Louise, Edo, Dixie and Cody. This should help us Clear the Shelter, if even for a few days. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help. 

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did ya know… The 3-3-3 rule is a general guideline that represents the phases of a rescue dog or common milestones your new dog will go through… it is the first 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months after bringing your dog home from the shelter.

The First 3 Days: Initial Adjustment. In the initial 3 days, your new dog may feel overwhelmed, scared, and unsure. This phase is crucial for establishing a sense of safety and calm. Create a welcoming space with a cozy bed, quiet corners, and personal space. Minimize loud noises and limit visitors to prevent overstimulation. Patience is key, allow your dog to explore and acclimate at their own pace.

The First 3 Weeks: Settling In. As the weeks progress, your rescue dog will start showing more of their personality and may begin testing boundaries. This period is ideal for establishing routines, starting basic training, and gently introducing them to new people and pets. Consistency with feeding, walking, and playtime schedules builds trust and security. Additionally, begin basic skills and manners training to enhance your communication and bond.

The First 3 Months: Feeling at Home. Reaching the 3-month mark is a significant milestone. By now, your dog should feel more comfortable and truly part of the family. Continue reinforcing training, establish long-term routines, and engage in activities that strengthen your bond. Consistency, love, and continued patience are crucial as your dog fully adjusts to their forever home.

Nail Day October 12th and More News

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.  This month’s (SEPTEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Wayne Cook, loved and missed by so many.  A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support.  It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

We’re looking forward to our Nail Day event on Saturday, October 12th. We’re changing the time of the event. It will now be from1pm to 2pm.

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for:  Chimera and Dublin. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help. 

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did you know… With the warmer weather getting ready to turn cooler, that means cramming more outside time and more trips to the park, longer walks and more chances for your pet to wander off! Make sure your dog or cat has a microchip for identification and wears a tag imprinted with your contact information. Another tip: Now is a good time to make sure all of your contact information is current at your veterinarian’s office and the microchip company. You can also make sure that you’re friendly with your neighbors and can keep an eye on each other’s pets and when they’re accidentally out.

1st Annual Weiner Dog Race

The McCook Humane Society will be closed tomorrow, Saturday, September 21st, as we will be with everyone else, out at Norris Park celebrating Heritage Days! Come visit us at our booth and don’t miss out on our 1st Weiner Dog Race!

Come check out our “Adopt-A-Kennel” program where our local individuals and businesses can show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.  This month’s (SEPTEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Wayne Cook, loved and missed by so many.  A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support.  It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name. Call us for more information or visit our website for more information and to fill out a form online. You can also sponsor an adoption for one of our available pets if you’d like to help out in that way.

We’ve had some very loving people come in and sponsor adoptions to help make sure that our temporarily homeless furry friends find homes for the holidays. Come on in and see who’s adoption fees have been completely paid for:  Chimera. Some wonderful pets have found truly amazing forever homes because of these generous people.

Looking forward to our 1st Wiener Dog Race. It’s going to be at Norris Park on September 21st! Participants will receive a goody bag while supplies last. Come on out to Heritage Days, visit us at our booth, and cheer on those wiener dogs! Call us for more information, check out the McCook Chamber’s Facebook page, or ours! 

Spay/Neuter Fees waived… A wonderfully generous anonymous donor has decided that it was time to let the dog’s at the shelter get help in finding homes also. This friend of the shelter started a spay/neuter reimbursement fund for them because, as she said, “they need help finding permanent loving homes also”. So, spay/neuter fees will be waived on all dogs who have been available for adoption for over 30 days, until this fund is depleted. At this time the spay/neuter reimbursement fees are still being waived for the felines. We will continue to waive the spay/neuter fees until the Linda Hedges/Mary Ellinger Memorial fund is depleted. We have truly seen a dramatic increase in the feline adoptions since we’ve been able to waive the spay/neuter fees for them, let’s see if it helps with their barking friends. If you’d like to make a contribution to help either of these funds continue, please make sure that you let us know that it’s for the fund. You can stop by, call us, email us, Facebook us, or reach out on the “Contact Us” form on our website for help. 

Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, Instagram or check us out on TikTok to keep up to date on all of the upcoming fun events, job openings and fundraisers and when checking out our website, make sure you check out our section featuring our Up To The Minute Pet Listings!

Did Ya Know: If you do decide to add a puppy to your family, one of the first things that you’ll notice is the the nipping and biting. Puppy nipping and biting is a normal behavior and is generally due to a lack of self-control or understanding. Puppies learn bite inhibition through play biting, which teaches them how much pressure they can apply with their teeth. Nipping and biting is instinctive and tends to peak during the teething stage. It is a way for puppies to establish their place in their doggy family’s ‘pecking order. Through play, interaction, socialization and training, this soon will pass.