Welcome to McCook Humane Society!
Our organization is committed to keeping pets safe, happy and healthy while they wait to be placed in a forever home. Since 1983 the McCook Humane Society has provided a temporary home for puppies and kittens, as well as adult dogs, cats and any temporarily homeless pet. We are dedicated to finding permanent, loving homes for abused, neglected, and abandoned animals in Southwest Nebraska and Northwest Kansas, while also continuing in our mission of education in Responsible Pet Ownership. We are classified as a No Kill Shelter and strive to be as low kill as possible and give them every opportunity to find forever homes.
If you are ready to open your heart and home to a pet, we urge you to visit the McCook Humane Society.
Visitors and volunteers are always welcome.
Adopt-a-Kennel Program
Our Adopt-a-Kennel Program is a great way for businesses and individuals to show the community their support for our area’s homeless animals.
The Adopt a Kennel Program is a perfect idea for a classroom project and provides the children with a class mascot!
Each kennel will have a brightly displayed sign with the adopter’s name proudly displayed on the kennel! You can participate by adopting a cat or dog kennel by donating the following amounts…
1 month $25.00
6 months $125.00
1 year $250.00
The money received from the kennel adoptions will go to supplies and food for the dogs and cats.
This month’s (SEPTEMBER) Adopt-A-Kennel is in memory of Wayne Cook, loved and missed by so many. A very special thanks to all of our sponsors for their continuing support. It’s the perfect way to honor someone or memorialize them by adopting a kennel in their name.
What's Been Happening?
Recent Shelter News
Exciting times right now... We're still trying to Clear the Shelter so we're extending this event until September 14th! Right now and until the end of the event on September 14th... It's "Who Let the Dogs Out - Please Let the Dogs Out" time! All available dogs who are not already FREE are only $25 plus tax to approved applicants. We are still overwhelmingly full of our canine friends, they come in faster than we can adopt them out, so please come on in and help us "Let the Dogs Out" and Clear the Shelter!
We're looking forward to a very special Nail Day event on Saturday, September 14th. Our "Tips, Chips & Dips" event, where you can get your furkid's nail's trimmed and you can get them microchipped. They get a bag of goodies and you'll get chips and dip!
Don't forget to get registered for our 1st Wiener Dog Race. It's going to be at Norris Park on September 21st! You can register at the Shelter or here on our website, where you can also find out more information. Participants will receive a goody bag while supplies last. Call us for more information, check out the McCook Chamber's Facebook page, or ours!